Wild animals in Kenya museums face starvation

The restrictions on movement of people due to the Covid-19 pandemic have seen fewer people visiting Kenya's parks and the National Museums of Kenya, resulting in reduced earnings from gate collections.
Now the animals under the care of the of National Museums of Kenya(NMK) risk starvation, as the gate collection of about $300,000 per month that were used to cater for their food and general upkeep has dried up.
Besides feeding the animals, the gate collections are also used for daily running of the institutions including paying utility bills and contracted services such as cleaning, security and fuel.
NMK Director-General Mzalendo Kibunjia told The EastAfrican that he has reached out to the National Treasury for a bailout.
"NMK could be the first government agency directly affected by the Covid-19, and it is our hope that the government will act quickly.
"These animals are a major feature of our attractions, besides the rich cultural heritage collections that we have," he said.


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