Kenya: Appeal Court Delivers 89 Judgments and Rulings Via Skype

Nairobi — The Court of Appeal delivered eighty-nine judgments and rulings via Skype Friday in upscalled virtual court sessions amid coronavirus disruptions.
Justice Martha Koome delivered thirty criminal and fifty-nine civil judgments and rulings, the judiciary indicated .
The judgements were written between March 16 and April 23 in Court of Appeal stations countrywide.
"Justice Martha Koome delivered 80 judgments and rulings of the Court of Appeal via Skype. The session was streamed live via our Facebook. All decisions rendered today will be available on the Kenya Law Reform website within the next 48 hours," Judiciary said.
Appeal Court President William Ouko Wednesday set up benches to hear thirty-five criminal appeals through Skype from Monday to Thursday next week.
The judges will be linked to Kamiti, Garissa, Kisumu and Kitengela prisons where the appellants are held.
Kenyan courts have adopted the use of technology to hear cases and deliver judgments and rulings in order to mitigate the spread of coronavirus.
The move followed a National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ) resolution on April 14 to upscale justice delivery through increased use of technology.
The council resolved all pleadings are filed and served electronically except in exceptional circumstances.
In additional measures on Wednesday, Ouko also approved the use of WhatsApp online messaging application and email services to serve court orders to ensure sessions proceed smoothly despite the suspension of open court sittings.
Chief Justice David Maraga had Tuesday said open court sessions would provide fertile ground for the spread of the virus which had as of April 25 infected 336 people and killed 14 with 94 having recovered and discharged.
Health Chief Administrative Secretary Rashid Aman Friday lauded the Chief Justice David Maraga for restraining opening of courts.
"While we know that the courts serve a very important function in this country, this is not the time to push for full reopening. We thank the Judiciary for exercising restraint in handling this matter," he said.


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