Seven uses of the microwave you didn’t know

You may be thinking that s microwave is only limited to warming food only. The truth is that, a microwave is a super asset which can be greatly multipurpose.
Here's how to get more value from your microwave
Save stale bread
If you think your bread is getting harder, wrap it in a wet paper towel and pop it in the microwave for a few seconds. The moisture will get to the bread and freshen it up.
Disinfecting kitchen sponges
Kitchen sponges tend to have a lot of bacterial build up. To keep your conscience clear of any disease coming from all that, soak them with water and put them to the microwave. They get sanitized and hygienically ready for the next use.
Peeling garlic made easy
The time spent in making garlic cloves come off can be a lot. You can solve this by putting the cloves into the microwave for fifteen seconds. On removing them, you'll realize that the garlic will be easy to peel.
Bake a cake
Using simple recipes, make a cake come to life. The microwave is like an oven only that it can be way faster. There are even mugs that can be used to make microwave cakes or puddings.
Making popcorn
You can use your microwave to pop some corn. Remember to cover them in container with some salt and oil.
Juicing citrus fruits
To get the most juice from a lemon or orange, put it in the microwave for a few seconds.
The citrus fruits will get their juice more easily squeezable.
Home-made nut roasting
You can roast your nuts in less than a minute by rubbing them with some oil and sprinkle of salt then placing them into the microwave.
Source: StandardMedia


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