Coop bank joins global fight against illegal wildlife trafficking


The Co-operative Bank of Kenya has joined the Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in the fight against Illegal Wildlife Trafficking.

This, after the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) listed lender signed the United for Wildlife 2018 Mansion House Declaration.

The bank has now joined the United for Wildlife’s (UfW) Financial Taskforce committing to fight the illegal trafficking in wildlife, by way of building illegal wildlife trade into existing financial crime compliance programs.

In addition, Co-op Bank also commits to also work with other financial institutions to share good practices and support one another in fighting illegal trade in wildlife.

As a signatory to the UfW Financial Taskforce, Co-op Bank joins other global banks including HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of America, and JPMorgan and others that have committed to contribute to the global fight against Illegal Wildlife Trafficking.

On January 21, President Uhuru Kenyatta spoke at the United for Wildlife Taskforce meeting at St. James’s Palace in London hosted by the Duke of Cambridge.

He talked about the important and urgent work of the Taskforces in the larger context of Kenya's and the world's efforts to stop poaching and wildlife trafficking and support conservation.

The financial task force was initiated in London on 10 October 2018 and has since grown to a network of more than thirty financial institutions across the globe.

The taskforce also includes partners in government and not-for-profit sector players who support the recognition that treating illegal wildlife trade as a significant financial crime.

By signing the Declaration, the Co-operative bank is also committing to taking measures to increase awareness of the Illegal Wildlife Trade and the role of the financial industry in combating it.

When signing the Declaration, Co-operative Bank Group managing director & CEO, Dr. Gideon Muriuki affirmed the bank’s commitment to wildlife conservation and sustainability.


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