Kenya bans single-use plastics in protected areas

Kenya has banned the use of single-use plastic as the world is celebrating the international environment day. The decision to ban single-use plastic in Kenya was taken in 2017, but the directive was legislated on June 5, 2019, by the Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife, through Gazette that stated the ban to take effect from June 4, 2020. The latest development comes three years after Kenya implemented one of the strictest bans on plastic bags in the world. Kenya had banned the use of plastic bags in the country in 2017 and since then it has attained over 80% success in enforcement.
Kenya's Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government and Ministry of Devolution and the ASALS in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife were identified to implement the ban. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry reportedly consulted diverse lead agencies and the private sector players such as Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM), and PETCO Kenya to agree on the implementation of this ban. 
Source: @RepublicWorld


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