Six reasons why you shouldn't throw away banana peels

Bananas are not only yummy they contain essential nutrients, are a healthy snack, fiber which is great for digestion and, as Healthline reports, can aid in weight loss.
can be used in your daily routine? Their anti-inflammatory properties make them great for your skin. They can also be used in cleaning and general household maintenance. 
Here's why you should stop throwing away banana peels.
1. Use them to whiten teeth
Banana peels have a whitening component that will make your smile wider and brighter. Simply rub the inside of your peel on your teeth twice a day. Do this over a period of time to get the maximum effect. 
2. The perfect hair mask
Studies have been done that point to the benefits of using banana peels in hair. They can be blended with other ingredients to make a hair mask. These studies point out that the anti-oxidants in the banana peel can help remove free radicals from your hair. It also promotes shine and hair growth.
3. It shines your silverware
If you're tired of stained silverware why not use the readily available banana peels? You can blend the banana peels, add some water, to form a paste. Rub with a soft cloth or use a toothbrush to work the paste onto your silver pieces. Once done, rinse off the paste and with a clean cloth, pat your silver dry.
4. In gardening
A flourishing kitchen garden will garner you the admiration to many. Banana peels can be used in your home garden to get rid of pests and as compost. 
5. Can work better than shoepolish
A quick rub of a banana peel on your shoes can transform your dull shoes. Banana peels will make leather shine keeping your shoes looking clean and you put together. Don’t worry about smelling of bananas all day. The smell wears off quite fast.
6. Use it for first aid
Banana peels’ anti-inflammatory effects coupled with antimicrobial properties can be used to soothe mild ailments such as insect bites and sunburn. Place a frozen banana peel on your forehead or the back of your neck to ease a headache.
Culled from: standardmedia


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